
Prof. Enrique Vivoni inducted to Mexican Academy of Sciences

Our Center Director was recently inducted as a Corresponding Member (similar to International Fellow) of the Mexican Academy of Sciences (AMC). One of AMC’s objectives is to promote scientific development in Mexico, and to foster communication and collaboration with scholars in other countries. Congratulations Prof. Vivoni!

WRR Publication

A new publication in Water Resources Research (Longyang and Zeng, 2024) develops a deep learning surrogate of a hydrologic model applied to the Upper Colorado River to investigate the role of vegetation variability in modifying the watershed behavior. Congratulations to authors associated with the Center for Hydrologic Innovations!

Burcu Tezcan and Krista Lawless awarded CAP Water Research Awards

Two graduate students affiliated with the Hydrosystems Engineering program and the Center for Hydrologic Innovations at ASU were recently awarded a 2023 CAP Award for Water Research from the Central Arizona Project. First place went to Burcu Tezcan for her paper: Training a Non-Homogenous Hidden Markov Model with PMDI and Temperature to Create Climate Informed…

Hydrosystems Seminar Series

Please join us for the following seminars in Spring 2023 to be held in the Walton Center for Planetary Health, Conference Room 360 (CEE 591, led by Profs. Tianfang Xu and Ruijie Zeng):