Center highlighted in ASU Thrive magazine

ASU Thrive Magazine documents the Center for Hydrologic Innovations in the May issue (volume 26, number 3) with the following text under the headings of Create Change: Built for Impact, Engineering Water Solutions.
- To keep water flowing in the desert and all regions experiencing climate change, decision-makers need the right information. They rely in part on experts in hydrology, the study of water and its movement and relationship with the environment on and below the Earth’s surface.
- That’s where ASU’s Center for Hydrologic Innovations comes in, one way ASU is bringing together researchers, utilities, government agencies and industry. Together, they are developing new software tools, algorithms and visualization approaches for improved monitoring and forecasting water supply.
- “Through applied engineering projects, the folks we’re working with and working for have a say in the development of products that they can immediately use,” says Enrique Vivoni, the center’s director and a senior global futures scientist with the Julie Ann Wrigley Global Futures Laboratory and a professor of hydrosystems engineering in the Ira A. Fulton Schools of Engineering.
- Each project uses a collaborative solution space, where all partners involved work together to develop a tool that is immediately applicable to a real-world issue.
- “It’s a fairly new way of doing work in engineering,” Vivoni says.