
ASU-Planet Seed Grant Awards

Congratulations to the faculty and postdoctoral associates of the Center for Hydrologic Innovations (Dr. Zhaocheng Wang, Dr. Jay Famiglietti and Dr. Enrique Vivoni) for being award three inaugural ASU-Planet Seed Grants! These efforts will provide Arizona with detailed descriptions of snow cover changes, crop type and biomass responses to drought, and downscaled groundwater storage variations…

Hydrologic monitoring efforts featured in ASU End of Year video

“A Brighter Future For All” includes footage from Center graduate students Ruby Hurtado, Jose Becerra and Zachary Keller (MS 2021) on efforts for monitoring Arizona’s water for stewardship, conservation and sustainability goals. See video at the link below:

Mapping our water reserves for the future

Congratulations to Center professor Jay Famiglietti who was recently interviewed by ASU News on his work and thoughts regarding the state of Arizona water and tracking it from space: “We are having a moment here in Arizona in which I feel the stars and the planets are aligned so that we can make great progress…

Burcu Tezcan and Krista Lawless awarded CAP Water Research Awards

Two graduate students affiliated with the Hydrosystems Engineering program and the Center for Hydrologic Innovations at ASU were recently awarded a 2023 CAP Award for Water Research from the Central Arizona Project. First place went to Burcu Tezcan for her paper: Training a Non-Homogenous Hidden Markov Model with PMDI and Temperature to Create Climate Informed…

Swastik Ghimire awarded AHS scholarship

Graduate student Swastik Ghimire (MS) in the Civil, Environmental, and Sustainable Engineering program at ASU was recently awarded a 2023-2024 academic scholarship from the Arizona Hydrological Society. Swastik’s future goals and career aspirations are to become a hydrologist who can employ practical solutions to support equitable management of water resources, especially on issues like the…

Prof. Ruijie Zeng wins NSF CAREER award

Prof. Ruijie Zeng, assistant professor and faculty member in the Center for Hydrologic Innovations, won the 2023 CAREER award from the National Science Foundation to map and study agricultural drainage systems using drones, simulation models and machine learning algorithms. This prestigious early-career award will help his research group develop new innovations for agricultural systems, with…

Impact Earth features efforts with Central Arizona Project

ABC News 15 in Phoenix visited the Center for Hydrologic Innovations and our laboratory facilities in the Walton Center for Planetary Health for an Impact Earth piece on climate change and its effects on water resources in Arizona. See video at the link below:

Center highlighted in ASU Thrive magazine

ASU Thrive Magazine documents the Center for Hydrologic Innovations in the May issue (volume 26, number 3) with the following text under the headings of Create Change: Built for Impact, Engineering Water Solutions.

Center wins Governor’s Award for Arizona’s Future

Faculty, postdocs, and graduate students from the Center for Hydrologic Innovations won the 2023 Governor’s Award for Arizona’s Future from the Arizona Forward Environmental Excellence Awards. This award was in collaboration with the Central Arizona Project and recognized the project: “Long-Range, Data-Infused Scenario Modeling to Operations of the Central Arizona Project” funded by NASA’s Applied…

Dr. Zhaocheng Wang wins national award

Dr. Zhaocheng Wang, postdoctoral scholar in the Center for Hydrologic Innovations, won the 2023 Paul F. Boulos Excellence in Computational Hydraulics/Hydrology Award from the American Academy of Environmental Engineers and Scientists for his work on land surface modeling. Zhaocheng aims to improve the understanding of hydrologic processes and advance water sustainability and resilience by combining ground…